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China's equipment manufacturing industry integrates intelligent elements into the high-end field
According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of 2016, the growth rate of China's equipment manufacturing industry continued to outperform the industrial growth rate. The added value increased by 8.1% year-on-year, accounting for 32.6% of the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size. The rapid development of equipment manufacturing industry and the increase in the proportion mean the optimization of industrial structure. "China's industry is transitioning from the middle to the later stage of industrialization. The leading industries are also shifting from heavy chemical industry to high-tech, high-processing manufacturing, especially high-end equipment manufacturing. Industry, etc.. Xu Zhaoyuan, researcher of the Ministry of Industry and Economy of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said.

High-end equipment manufacturing performance is eye-catching. According to Zhang Long, general manager of the high-end equipment division of the CCID Consulting Equipment Industry Research Center, in the first half of the year, the high-end equipment manufacturing industry showed medium-to-high-speed growth, and the output values of general aviation, satellite navigation and industrial robots all maintained growth of more than 15%. . Industrial robots and general aviation have become the two leading industries. The growth rate of satellite navigation and rail transit is relatively stable, while offshore engineering equipment is actively reversing the momentum of rapid decline in the industry last year. As of the end of 2015, China's high-end equipment manufacturing sales revenue has exceeded 6 trillion yuan, accounting for 15% of the entire equipment manufacturing industry, successfully completed the "high-end equipment manufacturing industry" 12th Five-Year Plan, and is expected to It will reach 25% by 2020.

According to the report on the prosperity index of the equipment manufacturing industry in China, the structural adjustment and optimization of China's equipment manufacturing industry in the first half of the year was obvious. The performance of the electronic equipment, automobile and electrical machinery manufacturing industries, which are closely related to the transformation and upgrading, was strong, and the growth of production, sales and efficiency were maintained. The high position has driven the overall boom in the industry, while the growth of general agricultural machinery and petrochemical equipment related to overcapacity and pollution has slowed down. Overall, the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, which is intelligent, green, and transforms to services, has developed better, while the traditional equipment manufacturing industry has struggled and formed a distinct differentiation.

For the reasons for this differentiation, Zuo Shiquan, director of the Institute of Equipment Industry of China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, believes that from the demand side, the equipment manufacturing industry is a production and living tool, and the upgrading of traditional industries requires new and high-end equipment manufacturing. Products, this demand has also stimulated the upgrading of equipment manufacturing, and traditional equipment manufacturing products are difficult to adapt to the needs of industry transformation and upgrading; from the supply side, the integration of information technology and equipment manufacturing is deepening, and equipment manufacturing products become More intelligent, the collaboration between machines and machines, machines and people is constantly upgrading, and technology has promoted the upgrading and development of equipment manufacturing.

According to Zhang Long’s analysis, in recent years, under the guidance of national policies, China’s high-end equipment manufacturing industry has made major breakthroughs in core technology research, and core technologies such as high-speed rail EMUs, domestically produced large aircrafts, and UHV transmission and transformation have reached the world’s leading level. Level. However, in the basic manufacturing areas such as basic raw materials, key component manufacturing, and software control systems, there is still a large gap with the international advanced level.

In the first half of the year, in terms of high-end equipment manufacturing policies, China has successively launched the “13th Five-Year Plan” including robots and high-end CNC machine tools, which has pointed out the key directions for the development of the next five years. In terms of market, China has successfully established China Aviation Engine Group, which integrates the core resources of domestic engine manufacturing. In terms of technology, China's rail transit industry continues to exert its strength, and for the first time in the world, it has realized the speed of 420 km of high-speed trains for high-speed trains. And re-joined, once again created a "world first", consolidating China's high-speed rail technology leading the global status; "going out", the field of robotics investment and financing and mergers and acquisitions continue, of which the United States and Yaskawa Electric joint venture two The two major events of the home robot subsidiary and Midea Group's acquisition of the German KUKA robot are the most eye-catching events, indicating that China's equipment manufacturing enterprises are actively implementing “going out” and cooperating with international leading enterprises to accelerate the improvement of core competitiveness and industry influence.

However, the overcapacity of the traditional equipment manufacturing industry is difficult to be effectively improved in a short period of time. It is also necessary to improve quality and efficiency, improve production processes, optimize production processes, thereby reducing production costs and energy consumption, increasing product added value, and striving to enter Leading enterprise supply chain in the industry.

"Made in China 2025" emphasizes technological breakthroughs in high-end CNC machine tools and robotics, aerospace equipment, offshore engineering equipment, rail transit equipment and other high-end equipment manufacturing fields, and puts forward the importance of equipment manufacturing to intelligent and green. Trends, a comprehensive description of the development of China's high-end equipment manufacturing industry. The plan also emphasizes the importance of attaching importance to the development of the “four basics” and improving the basic capabilities of the manufacturing industry. It can be seen that China's equipment manufacturing industry will go hand in hand in both traditional and high-end fields.

"It is necessary to increase investment in investment and investment to ensure continuous breakthroughs in cutting-edge technologies, and to promote the transformation and upgrading of existing enterprises. By strengthening the integration of the two industries, we will eliminate a number of backward production capacity and improve the lower limit of China's equipment manufacturing industry." Zhang Long believes In the future, the level of China's equipment manufacturing industry will be improved overall, especially the transformation and upgrading speed of traditional equipment manufacturing industry should catch up with the development speed of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, and the differentiation phenomenon should be less and less obvious, thus achieving China's The transformation of manufacturing big countries to "manufacturing powers."
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